Monday, August 25, 2014

#1 The Introduction

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

I wanted to start my first entry praising our One and Only God. A new blog, for a new life ahead. Let's hope I can keep writing, not for the satisfactions of having a lot of readers, but for the satisfactions of sharing. I wanted to share. This blog, may turn out to be personal, informative or nonsense depending on my emotions, but what I hope will come out of this is a stronger me who somehow manages to touch a tiny part of others' lives. 

I'm a Malaysian, whose first language is called Malay, so pardon me for my bad grammar and limited vocabs. My future entries here will be mixed between English and Malay (and sometimes medical), also depending on my emotions when I am writing.

Lemonades Of Life, is how I would like to be known as. It means as much as you can think of. Life throws us lemons, and I would want to make lemonades out of them. Just as everyone else reading this, I've been through a lot. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. And right now I am feeling battered that I just want to squeeze all those lemons thrown at me and make a lot of lemonades I could feed the entire world. 

With time, you will get to know me better. Do not have impressions on me, just yet! First impressions that people usually have on me were never correct, as far as I could remember. Let it happen naturally. I am all for sweet things, and new friends are sweet! I used to be known (and wanted to believe that still am) as a great listener, so I'm up for any secret-sharings, emotion-spillings or opinion-seeking, if any of you want to share with someone that will not judge you for your background or whatsoever. 

I'm on instagram: lemonadesoflife and here is my e-mail:

I'm glad to be on board in the blogging world, where writers are born and opinions are written representing the true feelings of the authors. A world that symbolizes freedom, where everyone is equal and has the right to voice out their thoughts.

2300, Malaysia.
Lemonades Of Life.

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